Friday, April 26, 2013

Introduction to the Awesomeness that is Me

My name is Majin Patrick Star
aka Boo Whoo

I work at Papa John's Pizza and live in North Korea.
I do not like Spongebob he is not my friend do not believe those stupid gossipers.
This blog is where I post my recommendations for the best foot creams and other products that every person needs to be perfect and awesome like me. I have very smooth feet and if you ever come by North Korea, you can even feel them. Also, as you see, I have no armpit hair. I can give you the tips and tricks on this blog on how to be so amazingly perfect. "What inspired you to recommend foot creams and armpit waxers to the public?" you may be asking. I know, I am helpful. I want to help the world be nice and clean and smooth. SPONGEBOB MAY SAY IM A DIRTY LITTLE PRICK BUT HE IS NOT MY FRIEND AND I AM AS CLEAN AS A BABY'S BUTT AND AS SMOOTH AS MY FEET.